Friday, December 4, 2009


If u have the willpower within u, if u have a really strong desire to achieve something, then the universe helps u in obtaining that desire, and that in life usually everything becomes alright till the end and if it's not...nothing's goes on..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Swamiye Sharanam Ayyappa

Pray Lord Ayyappa during Mandala Puja and get blessings. All Doshas of shani is taken care with pooja and prayers to Lord Ayyappa and Lord Hanuman.

You can also visit Sabarimalai Temple during these days.

Kerala is a land of temples; perhaps the best known pilgrimage destination in Kerala is Sabarimala, high up in the Sahyadri Mountains (Western Ghats). Sabarimala Sri Dharmasastha Temple is the most famous and prominent among all the Sastha Temples. It is believed that "Parasurama Maharshi" who retrieved Kerala from the sea by throwing his axe, installed the idol of Ayyappa at Sabarimala to worship Lord Ayyappa.

The pilgrimage begins in the month of November and ends in January. The temple attracts pilgrims not only from the southern states of India, but also from other parts of the country and abroad.

The shrine gets thronged with devotees especially during the main pilgrim season from November to January.

Mandalapooja(Nov.17th)and Makaravilakku(Jan.14th)are the two main events of the pilgrim season. The temple stays closed during the rest of the year except for the first five days of every Malayalam month and during Vishu (April).

Certain customs are to be strictly observed if one has to undertake a pilgrimage to Sabarimala. A pilgrim attending the Mandalapooja should observe austerities for 41 days. During this period, the pilgrim should abstain himself from non- vegetarian habits and cardinal pleasures.

Friday, October 23, 2009

How to Meditate

Trying to withdraw from your five senses:
You are sitting ready, first just relax for a couple of minutes, then start, first intensifying the use of each sense then shut if off suddenly. Do this with each sense one at a time starting with the most used, usually sight. Look around the room noticing as many details as possible, fill up your sight. Then close your eyes and keep them closed as you listen to the soundscape. Hear as many details as possible then stop listening and try to ignore all sound. Now just use your sense of touch. Feel as much as you can without getting up or doing anything. Focus only on this sensation, how does the chair feel, how does your skin feel against your clothes, how do you feel inside, etc. Then try not to feel anything, just smell if you can for a moment, then focus only on taste if you can taste anything at the time, even just the taste of your own mouth if it has one. Doing this gets you out of the external world of the five senses so you can look inward and helps to keep the sense from disturbing you with bits of external information. Now look around the room with your eyes closed seeing with the same vision you see your dreams with. Just imagine you're looking around the room seeing it in your mind's eye, see as many details as you can, then shut it off. This last one does two things; it exercises your visulation ability, which makes life's tasks easier. It also helps ensure you won't be overly disturbed by your own imagination or thinking processes. Now you start to meditate. To get into the Alpha, try to feel and encourage that nice relaxed feeling you get when you're falling asleep, but don't go all the way to sleep. Remember this gets easier with practice till you can do it at will. Stay like this for a few minutes trying not to think without trying not to

Go deep into your self and bring everything out. Be like an objective analyst observing a specimen possibly imagine how your situation would appear to someone else. The problems will come up on their own. In order, starting with the worst. You will work on them one at a time for as long as each one takes, days, months or years. Use all of your intelligence on it, list all of your ideas for it's resolution, come up with suggestions of things that might help. Give your higher self something to work with. Once you have exhausted your mortal and material thoughts on it your super human thoughts can start.. You can be emotionally attached to a problem, be ready to give it up completely.
If you count out loud when counting something it will be easier for the mind to keep track. Or if you want to wake up at a certain time you can tap you head on the pillow that many times and it will be more impressed on the memory than if nothing physical corresponded with the memory placement. Now in that same way, use your visualization to see yourself getting rid of the problem in a physical way. Example; imagine that you put the problem in a box and throw it off a cliff or into a furnace. Or imagine that you somehow got it into a computer and erased it. Use your creativity. Also, just doing this every day will impress on your lower self that something is really happening, and you're serious about this.
Now you pray to God knowing that you have tried and you believe your will is the same as God's will at least on this one subject. It doesn't have to be the God of church or any particular idea, just have faith that help will come from some kind of higher power.

Friday, October 16, 2009




Presence of Mind: Start practising to bring your mind present in all objects and actions that you look and do. Constantly do observe each of your thought and action. Each simple action you do in every second can be remembered if you practise to keep your mind present there with the action. This practice not only makes your action perfect but also helps you to remember what you did, when u did and where u did. This constant practice makes your mind concentrate on each object and action and thereby your thought remains always one at a time.. Then you are constantly concentrating. Means you can control your mind whenever you want to meditate on any one thought of action and that thought will be the strongest and the most perfect result giving one for you. Slowly you can become thoughtless and in a blissful state of tranquility. Though it is very easy to express but very difficult to practise. Not an impossible one also.

Saturday, September 5, 2009



Beta is the so-called conscious level of mind. Alpha and Theta form the subconscious regions of the mind's operation, and Delta is the unconscious region of thought activity. These states form the spectrum of mind operation.

your brain waves operate at a level called Beta where they mainly oscillate between 14 to 30 cycles per second.
As your mind relaxes and disconnects somehow from the external material world - like when you're daydreaming or meditating, or watching a movie - you enter a more focused, expanded state of awareness where brain wave patterns are mainly composed of Alpha brain waves oscillating at between 8 and 13 cycles per second.
When relaxing even more, your mind enters a region that correlates with a large relative quantity of brain wave patterns of 4 to 7 cycles per second. This is the Theta zone of the mind. The Beta level corresponds to a focus of concentration by the mind upon the outside or perceptually separated world, and the Alpha and Theta levels correspond to a more internally focused, self-reflective state.

Each human being experiences the Theta level for a fleeting moment every night before the mind dips down from the Beta level of awareness (awake state), to the Delta state (brain waves of less than 4 cycles per second: deep sleep), and passes rapidly through the Alpha and Theta states to enter the profound sleep level, where consciousness of self is totally lost, and where even dreams do not occur. (When dreaming, a sense of self is necessary and the mind has to go back up to the Theta or Alpha state.)
Delta is the level of the mysterious universal mind. It is the level at which the differentiated self (ego) expands to become undifferentiated and operates outside of the confines of linear time/space.

Alpha, Theta and Delta (sleep) are defined as "altered states of consciousness," as opposed to Beta, which is considered to be a fully conscious state. They are so called because it is necessary to alter one's state of consciousness from the fully awake state (Beta), to either Alpha, Theta or Delta (sleep), which are all progressive states of expanded awareness and thus are subject to less vibratory interference from the biological brain.
Beta is the so-called conscious level of mind. Alpha and Theta form the subconscious regions of the mind's operation, and Delta is the unconscious region of thought activity. These states form the spectrum of mind operation.

Small children function mainly at the Theta, Alpha and Delta states of mind, as do animals. Human adults operate mostly at Beta.

While the ego (awareness of self) is present and one is in the Beta, Alpha, or Theta state, all levels of the mind operate at once. One only concentrates more on one level than on another, showing therefore more brain wave patterns pertaining to the one band of operation the mind concentrates upon. Nevertheless all patterns are always present, defining life. It is only at death that this spectrum disappears.

In a nutshell: As the mind focuses upon the external (perceptually separated and material) world, it is at the Beta level. When the mind focuses and increasingly concentrates self-reflectively upon itself and its inner processes, it climbs in awareness from Alpha to Theta, and finally to Delta.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


The Bhagavad-Gita consists of 18 chapters. Each chapter is called a yoga. Yoga is the science of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the Ultimate Consciousness. So each chapter is a highly specialized yoga revealing the path of attaining realization of the Ultimate Truth. The first six chapters have been classified as the Karma Yoga section as they mainly deal with the science of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the Ultimate Consciousness through actions. These chapters are:

Chapter 1 : Visada Yoga
Chapter 2 : Sankhya Yoga
Chapter 3 : Karma Yoga
Chapter 4 : Jnana Yoga
Chapter 5 : Karma Vairagya Yoga
Chapter 6 : Abhyasa Yoga

The middle six chapters have been designated as the Bhakti Yoga section as they principally are pertaining with the science of the individual consciousness attaning communion with the Ultimate Consciousness by the path of devotion.

Chapter 7 : Paramahamsa Vijnana Yoga
Chapter 8 : Aksara-Parabrahman Yoga
Chapter 9 : Raja-Vidya-Guhya Yoga
Chapter 10 : Vibhuti-Vistara-Yoga
Chapter 11 : Visvarupa-Darsana Yoga
Chapter 12 : Bhakti Yoga

The final six chapters are regarded as the Jnana Yoga section as they are primarily concerned with the science of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the Ultimate Consciousness through the intellect.

Chapter 13 : Ksetra-Ksetrajna Vibhaga Yoga
Chapter 14 : Gunatraya-Vibhaga Yoga
Chapter 15 : Purusottama Yoga
Chapter 16 : Daivasura-Sampad-Vibhaga Yoga
Chapter 17 : Sraddhatraya-Vibhaga Yoga
Chapter 18 : Moksa-Opadesa Yoga

Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-Gita on the battlefield of Kuruksetra in 3102 B.C.; just prior to the commencement of the Mahabharata war. This date corresponds to 1700 years before Moses, 2500 years before Buddha, 3000 years before Jesus and 3800 years before Mohammed. So first and foremost it should be clearly understood that the eternal knowledge of the Bhagavad-Gita has not been influenced by Buddhism, Christianity, Hebrewism or Islam; for these religions did not exist at that time and were established milleniums later.


For healthy life, the lifestyle should also be considered along with the diet. We can control the diet to a considerable extent. But we cannot control much of the lifestyle. It does depend on others, but whatever lifestyle is under our control, if we try to control it properly, we can become more and more healthy.

One should get up at Brahma Muhurta. It means one and half-hours before the sunrise. At this time, the ozone necessary for the body is adequately present in the atmosphere. The activities of the entire world and especially of the living beings are yet to be started so the pollution is at its minimum. The cheerful atmosphere does have an effect on the body and the mind. Every one should get up in the morning and try to take benefit of this.

While determining the time of getting up, one should take into account the time of retiring to bed too. Generally, seven hours sleep is sufficient. People who can sleep deeply without disturbance can do with just 5 to 6 hours' sleep. Common people dream during the sleep and face the problem of disturbance from time to time; hence for them seven hours' sleep is needed. This seven hours' period and the time for getting up should be correlated so that it is convenient. One should get up before the sunrise and keeping that in mind should decide the time to go to bed.
After getting up from the sleep, kardarshan (viewing the palm of the hand) is advised:

Karagre Vasate Laxmi : karmadhye Saraswati |
Karmule tu Govind : Prabhate kardarshanam ||

Laxmi, Saraswati and Govind reside on the palm, so one should bow to them with respect, this is the logic behind kardarshan. Of course, with common sense point of view, to get hold of Laxmi ( money ) and Saraswati ( knowledge ) is in our hands only, to remind one of this principle is the main logic behind kardarshan. Also, our eyes are closed throughout the night, if suddenly they are opened up in the morning and the atmosphere is viewed, then there may be some strain for the eyes, so one should put both the hands onto the eyes after getting up, so they do not suddenly come into the contact with the atmosphere.

After kardarshan, there should be bhoomivandan ( bowing to the land ). Our life depends on the land, before touching it with the feet, one should apologize to that shakti (Energy Principle).

After having slept for six to seven hours at night, one should not get up suddenly in the morning and start his daily work. One should sit peacefully and think about what is good for him. One should plan his entire day program at this time. Mind is very calm and enthusiastic when one gets up. The capacity to think from all the angles is at its maximum at this time. So also there are spiritual aspects of contemplation, which accrue.

After the bowel movement, there should be Ushahpan (Drinking Water). Nowadays, people are not even aware of it. They feel that bed tea and ushahpan (Drinking Water) are one and the same. Tea, as it is, is harmful to health. Bed Tea is even more harmful. Ushahpan (Drinking Water) helps improve the health. Drinking water stored overnight in a copper utensil, which is covered, in the morning is ushahpan (Drinking Water). This water helps the excretion tendency and purifies the intestines in the body.
After abhyanga(bath), personal upasana (prayer, meditation etc) is important. Due to such upasana, the mind becomes cheerful and the spiritual power increases. The mental strength starts growing and there is confidence in the life. One should take guidance as to which prayer should be done and in what manner. But no doubt it proves useful.
Also half an our pranayam is a must. Kapalabhati is the best.

A minimum half an hour daily walk is also must either in the morning or in the evening alongwith other stretching exercises.


In the evening, one should consume only liquids, not solid diet, because that lengthens the dinnertime. The dinner should be around sun set. Because it is good for health to have an interval of three hours between the dinner and retiring to bed. To sleep immediately after dinner is injurious to health. The dinner should be minimal i.e. easily digested. It should not contain heavy preparations.

Pray God before going to sleep for a better tomorrow

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Memorable verse of Bhagawat Gita



(Bhagawad Gita chapter 2, verse 47)

Monday, June 1, 2009


Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days are only experiences. Both are essential in life. So enjoy every moment of life and always be happy. Approach day to day life with priorities and be practical. You will always feel satisfied at the end of the day.

Friday, May 8, 2009


The science of astrology has always had an association with the notion of karma. In the opening verse of the 5,000 year old vedic text, Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, the ancient Sage, Maharishi Parasha, tells us that:-
"The Unborn Lord has incarnated as the nine planets, the Nava Grahas, to bestow on the living beings the result due to their karmas. He assumes the auspicious form of the Grahas (planets) to destroy the demons and to sustain the divine beings."
The great Sage then goes on to describe to us the eternal science of astrology and effect of the planets on the destiny of the incarnating soul.
This work is said to be the fountain head of Vedic astrology. It is the bible of this ancient subject and is an indispensable study for both student and practitioner. It would take a lifetime of dedication to master the astrological rules outlined in this great work, and indeed, it is doubtful if one would ever master it, for the true mastery of astrology can only be accomplished by one who has transcended the three gunas, the ego, and the limitation of human thought processes. The entire subject of astrology is a description of our karmic destiny and the vicissitudes of our temporal existence in this world. If we are not firmly anchored in the stability of divine truth, then we are subject to the fluctuations and fickleness of our own minds.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Uccha, Moola Trikona, Swasthana, and Neecha of planets.
When placed in certain houses the planets are said to be in Uccha or in exaltation. A planet is in the best condition when he is exalted. The next best placement is called Moolatrikona, followed by its Swasthana or own house, followed by Mitrasthana or friends house and the worst condition is Neecha or Debilitation. The following are the placement conditions of the planets.
Sun is exalted in Aries upto the 10th degree. In the 10th degree he is in deep exaltation. After that it is his Moolatrikona. In Leo upto 20 is his moolatrikona and after that it is his own house.
Moon is exalted in Taurus upto the 3rd degree. In the 3rd degree he is in deep exaltation and after that it is his moolatrikona house. Karka is his own house.
Mars is exalted in Makara upto 28 degrees. In the 28th degree he is in deep exaltation. After that it is his Moolatrikona. In Mesha upto 12 degrees his moolatrikona and after that it is his own house. Vrischika is also his own house.
Mercury is exalted in Kanya upto 15 degrees. In the 15th degree he is in deep exaltation. After that the next 5 degrees are his Moolatrikona and after that his own house. Mithuna is also his own house.
Jupiter is exalted in Karka upto 5 degrees. In the 5th degree he is in deep exaltation. After that it is his Moolatrikona. In Dhanu upto 10 degrees his moolatrikona and after that it is his own house. Meena is also his own house.
Venus is exalted in Meena upto 27 degrees. In the 27th degree he is in deep exaltation. After that it is his Moolatrikona. In Libra upto 15 degrees his moolatrikona and after that it is his own house. Vrishabha is also his own house.
Saturn is exalted in Tula upto 20 degrees. In the 20th degree he is in deep exaltation. After that it is his Moolatrikona. In Kumbha upto 20 degrees his moolatrikona and after that it is his own house. Makara is also his own house.
Rahu and Ketu There is a controversy about their exaltation etc as they do not really own any houses. In fact the were ignored in this regard in some of the major shastras. However several other later generation authors generally agreed that Mithuna and Dhanu are the exaltation houses of Rahu and Ketu respectively, Vrishabha and Vrischika are their respective Moolatrikonas and Meena and Kanya are their respective own houses.
Neecha or Debilitation: All exalted planets get debilitated in the opposite seventh house from their point of exaltation. The highest point of debilitation is the exact opposite of the highest point of exaltation. After that the debilitation effect is not there.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


There is no Kuja-dosham in any of the following case and Mars does not harm.

1. If Mars is in his own house; Mesham (Aries) and Vruschikam (Scorpio) are own houses for Mars
2. If Mars stays in one of his friends’ houses, Kuja dosahm is not applicable; Karkatakam (Cancer) is own house of Moon (Chandra); Simham (Leo) is own house of Ravi (Sun); Dhanasu (Sagittarius) and Meenam (Pisces) are own houses of Guru (Jupiter).
3. If Mars is in the own house of Sani; namely Makaram (Capricorn) and Kumbham (Aquarius).
4. Mesham (Aries), Karkatakam (Cancer), Thula (Libra), and Makaram (Capricorn) are movable signs (chara-raasis); if Mars stays in one of these houses and that chara-raasi (house) is 1, 2,4, 7, 8, 12th house from the house of birth (Lagnam) or the house of moon (raasi) or the house where Sukra (Venus) stays, there is no Kuja-dosham; Mars does not harm.
5. If Moon and Kuja are together in the same house, there is no Kuja dosham.
6. If Sani (Saturn) & Kuja (Mars), or if Kuja & Raahu or if Kuja & Kethu pair in same house.
7. If Mars & Guru (Jupiter),or Mars & Budha (Mercury) are together in the same house. Or if Guru or Budha are aspecting (seeing) Mars.
8. If a person is born in Karkatakam (Cancer), or Simham (Leo), or Makaram (Capricorn) lagna
9. If Mars is in 2nd house from the houses of Guru (Jupiter), Budha (Mercury) or Sani (Saturn).
10. If Sani (Saturn) is aspecting (seeing) Mars (Kuja).
11. If lagnam (birth house) or Moon (Chandra) or Sukra (Venus) is in the houses of Venus (Sukra), Vrushabham (Taurus) or Thula (Libra), and if Mars is in 4th or 7th house from the above.
12. If Mars is in 2nd or 12th house from lagnam (ASC) or Chandra (Moon) or Sukra (Venus) and those houses are own houses of Budha (Mercury), Mithunam (Gemini) or Kanya (Virgo).
13. If Mars (Kuja) is in 4th or 7th or 12th house from Lagnam (ASC) or Chandra (Moon) or Sukra (Venus) and those houses are own houses of Sukra (Venus), Vrushabham (Taurus) or Thula (Libra).
14. If Mars is in 8th house from lagnam, or Moon or Venus and that 8th house is the own house of Guru (Jupiter), Dhanasu (Sagittarius) or Meenam (Pisces).
15. The 7th house from lagnam (birth house=ASC=ascendant) is the house of spouse (kalathra); if Mars (Kuja) is in 7th house, the spouse may die in periods of Kuja (Mars). If that 7th house is Mesham (Aries) or Karkatakam (Cancer) or Vruschikam (Scorpio) or Makaram (Capricorn), no Kuja-dosha
Well-known astrologers of present times, Relangi, Tangirala, Pidaparthi Poornaih wrote in their Panchangams (Ephemeris) and books, that Kuja-dosham is not applicable if there is Kuja dosham from lagnam and from Moon house and Venus house – all three houses in same horoscope

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bhagawat Gita chapter 2 - versus 47

Please read daily till you understand and bring to practice.


Monday, March 2, 2009


Happiness and Sadness are a very relative term.When one has more expectations and attachments of anything whatsoever he is for sure preparing himself for a disappointment of losing it oneday. When you get to lose the attached one or expected one, one becomes sad or hurt. Happiness and sadness are both an obstacle in the journey towards God realization. The less you are attached and involved the less you have disappointments in life. It is certainly a difficult task to practice but not impossible. One can always try to live a less attached life but doing one's duty as per one's dharma will be the best way of living a balanced life.Anything earned in this life is not at all owned by you as you are bound to leave eveything here and leave from this world. Being a good human being and dying like a good human being is the eanings you perhaps carry with your karmas for a better birth.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Saturn if it is in 4th order of dasa brings misery and trouble.
Jupiter in 6th ordeR is not good. Mars and Rahu if it is in 5th order is bad.

If Digbala of planets has more than 1.0 that is considered good and less than that shows less strength of the planets. Ishta bhala and Kashta bhala depends on this chart.


Ashtakavarga chart tobe verified and find out the strenth of each houses.
The important houses are 1st the Lagna, 2nd dhana sthana, 4th sukha sthana, 9 Bhagya sthana,10 Karma sthana and 11th Labha sthana.

If the total of houses counting on 1st, 2nd, 4th, 9th, 10th and 11th comes above
170 means yoga for being rich and above 175 means yoga for very rich.
If the total of 1st,9th and 11th is higher than that of 6th 8th and 12th a successful life is assured generally. And if 6, 8 and 12 is higher then full of struggle without much success. 1st house should be definitely higher than that of individually 6th, 8th or 12th for a smoother life.

9th luck, 10th karma, 11th labha and 12th expenses.

All kendras and trikonas should have ashtakavarga strength other than 2nd and 11th.

so 10th should be equal or more than 9th and 11th(income) should be more than 10th(Karma/profession) and 12th(expenses) should be less than 11(income) and then the horoscope promises for a steady finance life.


Chandra Lagna is body and Janma Lagna is Soul. Therefore, in Astrology results have been devised after examining the various bhavas from both Janma lagna and Chandra Lagna.
Without this no consideration of a nativity would be commendable.

Venus and Saturn

When venus and saturn occupy their exaltation. swakshetra or vargottamasa and are strong and equally powerful to cause yoga in any horoscope, they will in their mutual dasas and bhuktis make the man concerned a beggar seeking alms and powerless being, even he is born a king or a kubera.
If however should bothe of them be weak and be so mutually placed that one occupies the 12th, the 8th or the 6th from the other or happens to own such places, or be associated with the lords of these houses, they tend tobe auspicious and grant wealth and happiness to the man concerned.
If one of them is the lord of an auspicious bhava and the
other of an unfavourable one, even then both of them will produce good results. Should they both be malefics they will prove extremely favourable to the native during their bhuktis and dasas.

performance of rituals

Getting the homa 0r sacrifice performed by the Brahmins who are fed, is not proper. Doing so is only an inconsiderate act of the followers of Rig-veda says Bhrigu , the Sage

Brother of the wife and husband of sister(provided their wives are alive), the sister, brother, daughter and son when these six perform the sradda of the man concerned it ceases to be a real one (Sraddha)

Rahu and Ketu

Rahu and Ketu are exalted in Vrishabha and vrischika rasis respectively. The own houses are Kumba and vrischika. Their mooltrikonas are Mithuna and Kanya. Thula and makara are their friendly houses. Rashis belonging to jupiter are neutral and Simha and kataka rashis are inimical.

If thes two planets are associated with strong yogakarakas or planets owning kendra or trikona bhavas and occupy Lagna, 3rd, 4th 7th or the 10th houses, they bless the native with prosperity, happiness, children, wealth, power and vehicles.

Adi yoga in astrology

Should the benefics occupy the 6th, 7th and the 8th counted from moon and the malefics are not anywhere in these houses, the native will be like a king or equal to him blessed with every variety of happiness, long living, victorious, wildly reputed, learned with all the pleasures of the world and other luxuries.(venus/mercury/jupiter)


In a birth chart, when jupiter owns 3rd and 12th bhava(capricorn ascnt) he bestows everything upon the native. Similar will be the effect, when he enjoys the ownerships of the 8th bhava or when he is posited in the 8th bhava. Venus isgood when he is in the 6th house.Rahu will be favourable when he will be in the 7th, 4th, 8th, 11th or the 10th house. Ketu is most benefic in the 3rd bhava.