Monday, October 6, 2008


Today all are willingly or forcibly accepting and rapidly copying western life style, irrespective of their age. People who are employed in new generation jobs have extended work times – especially those that follow other country’s day-light. Some are forced to go with western timings because of their work, some for maintaining their relationship with the kith and kin living abroad and some just because of their habit to be modern. People who work in companies which are purely depended on western timings, their careers are opening up windows to the world and the youngsters have never had it so good. The success however is costing many a dear. The trouble comes along with high stress levels, erratic schedules and unrealistic targets. They have long working hours, no exercise, poor diet and very high stress levels. Sedentary lifestyle brings down the quality of life for ever. One can never reach the level of excellence and hence suffer in both qualitative and quantitative performance. Some are settled in west and they can be contacted conveniently over the phone or through internet only in the night. So in both the circumstances people are forced to be awake and busy till midnight. And for relaxation and entertainment we get only late hours in the night, to party or to freak out.. This has become our way of life and we have even forced the older people and our children also to adapt to this timings.
With this environment one has to work for long hours. In the day we have to do the home work to ready ourselves to pick up with the pace of the west because the work starts in the west only in our night timings. They out source work to Indian companies because that
costs them less, secondly we are economically depended also on them. Traveling to and fro to office itself takes 3 to 4 hours. One leaves for office in the morning and the time of return is not known. We are made to work day and night to match to their requirements. As a result,the stress on our Indian working and non working people have gone up tremendously. We are unable to find time for our family, relatives or society. The more we live in this lifestyle, the day is not far when we will start forgetting our relatives, friends and even our society.
“Out of sight, out of mind.”

Are we going to live in this stressful life for the rest our lifetime? If there is no health, where will we be able to devote time for our own family,relatives, friends or any social life? Our health is totally spoilt mentally and physically. We are totally stressed out. Naturally those who go late to bed, wake up late. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy and wise. It remains as only a proverb. Everything starts late in
their routine life and one gets used to this kind of life over a period of
time .

This was not certainly the case a decade or two before. People were still happy and had time for one another. They lived a better life than us.

Why these changes have come? Why we are forced to live in this stress sort of a life? Human resources are plenty in India. All qualified irrespective of caste, Creed or religion are from India. Yet India is still dependent on other countries. We have so many problems like population, unemployment, inflation, corruption, Natural calamities,
Terrorism, accidents, pollution, global warming, shortage of food, Water, shelter and diseases etc what not.

All agricultural lands are encroached to make jungles of bricks. Maximum food products what we produce get exported. All junk foods are easily available in the market to spoil health. We are dependent on junk food rather the fast food which easily spoils our health because we are constrained to follow western food habits due to lack of time.

Having good metabolism is a blessing. People hardly get time to cook nutritious food at home. We cook once in a week or twice and store in the refrigerator or go for fast food because we do not have time to spend on these things. They feel there are better things to do. Some take medical insurance and get care free. 40% of health problems are due to stress, smoking, alcohol, junk and stored foods. Finally we end up paying huge medical expenses. Rigorous work schedule leave us with hardly any time to indulge in healthy cooking. We rather depend on the junk food readily available in the market. You may end up doing more harm than good to your body.

We spend a good amount of our economy in elections, celebrations,festivals, fighting calamities and terrorism. Our economy is not balanced among people. Rich are rich and poor remain poor. Political proxy war is everywhere on all issues. Politics is the best platform to fight for everything so that nothing works on time . Human beings
tend to forget, all happenings whether it is scam or politics or celebrations people forget soon. It is a very pathetic condition unfortunately. Only a revolution can change this. Spinning around of everything is a must.

For a healthy India, we need a stress free life. A stress free life can be had only when we make our country self-reliant. Everything is inter related. Everyone need to work for the country because the contribution from everything and everybody matters and is countable. Swami Vivekananda said
“man should have nerves of steel."

Country is of the people, for the people and by the people.

How to live a quality stress free life.

Yoga is a way of life. Learn to listen to your body and follow what it tells. Workout five times a week with a brisk half an hour walk, practice breathing exercise and nurse yourself to reach higher lever of energy in you. Everyone if understands his body and its needs, one need not starve to be slim and happy. No matter what you achieve in life, you
need good health to enjoy. . Don’t let work related problems harass you. Learn to keep them away once you leave the work place and do not carry them home. A work life balance is necessary and you need to devote time to your family and relaxation. Goals need to be realistic. Do not burn out trying to pursue the impossible. Moderation in late nights and
alcohol consumption will go a long way in keeping the body in good health.

There are people of different opinion and thoughts about their life. It is one’s own decision to lead one’s life the way one wants. One should rather learn from each other so that all successes and failures in life can be reviewed and corrected. This world is still balanced because of good souls living here. Above all God is there with every one, why to worry.
Have pure and blind faith in God. The Saviour will come.

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