Monday, March 2, 2009


Happiness and Sadness are a very relative term.When one has more expectations and attachments of anything whatsoever he is for sure preparing himself for a disappointment of losing it oneday. When you get to lose the attached one or expected one, one becomes sad or hurt. Happiness and sadness are both an obstacle in the journey towards God realization. The less you are attached and involved the less you have disappointments in life. It is certainly a difficult task to practice but not impossible. One can always try to live a less attached life but doing one's duty as per one's dharma will be the best way of living a balanced life.Anything earned in this life is not at all owned by you as you are bound to leave eveything here and leave from this world. Being a good human being and dying like a good human being is the eanings you perhaps carry with your karmas for a better birth.