Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Wish you all a very happy and successful New Year 2009.

Monday, October 27, 2008


wishing you all a very happy and prosperous DEEPAWALI. May this festial of lights bring to you all peace, success and prosperity.


Monday, October 6, 2008


Today all are willingly or forcibly accepting and rapidly copying western life style, irrespective of their age. People who are employed in new generation jobs have extended work times – especially those that follow other country’s day-light. Some are forced to go with western timings because of their work, some for maintaining their relationship with the kith and kin living abroad and some just because of their habit to be modern. People who work in companies which are purely depended on western timings, their careers are opening up windows to the world and the youngsters have never had it so good. The success however is costing many a dear. The trouble comes along with high stress levels, erratic schedules and unrealistic targets. They have long working hours, no exercise, poor diet and very high stress levels. Sedentary lifestyle brings down the quality of life for ever. One can never reach the level of excellence and hence suffer in both qualitative and quantitative performance. Some are settled in west and they can be contacted conveniently over the phone or through internet only in the night. So in both the circumstances people are forced to be awake and busy till midnight. And for relaxation and entertainment we get only late hours in the night, to party or to freak out.. This has become our way of life and we have even forced the older people and our children also to adapt to this timings.
With this environment one has to work for long hours. In the day we have to do the home work to ready ourselves to pick up with the pace of the west because the work starts in the west only in our night timings. They out source work to Indian companies because that
costs them less, secondly we are economically depended also on them. Traveling to and fro to office itself takes 3 to 4 hours. One leaves for office in the morning and the time of return is not known. We are made to work day and night to match to their requirements. As a result,the stress on our Indian working and non working people have gone up tremendously. We are unable to find time for our family, relatives or society. The more we live in this lifestyle, the day is not far when we will start forgetting our relatives, friends and even our society.
“Out of sight, out of mind.”

Are we going to live in this stressful life for the rest our lifetime? If there is no health, where will we be able to devote time for our own family,relatives, friends or any social life? Our health is totally spoilt mentally and physically. We are totally stressed out. Naturally those who go late to bed, wake up late. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy and wise. It remains as only a proverb. Everything starts late in
their routine life and one gets used to this kind of life over a period of
time .

This was not certainly the case a decade or two before. People were still happy and had time for one another. They lived a better life than us.

Why these changes have come? Why we are forced to live in this stress sort of a life? Human resources are plenty in India. All qualified irrespective of caste, Creed or religion are from India. Yet India is still dependent on other countries. We have so many problems like population, unemployment, inflation, corruption, Natural calamities,
Terrorism, accidents, pollution, global warming, shortage of food, Water, shelter and diseases etc what not.

All agricultural lands are encroached to make jungles of bricks. Maximum food products what we produce get exported. All junk foods are easily available in the market to spoil health. We are dependent on junk food rather the fast food which easily spoils our health because we are constrained to follow western food habits due to lack of time.

Having good metabolism is a blessing. People hardly get time to cook nutritious food at home. We cook once in a week or twice and store in the refrigerator or go for fast food because we do not have time to spend on these things. They feel there are better things to do. Some take medical insurance and get care free. 40% of health problems are due to stress, smoking, alcohol, junk and stored foods. Finally we end up paying huge medical expenses. Rigorous work schedule leave us with hardly any time to indulge in healthy cooking. We rather depend on the junk food readily available in the market. You may end up doing more harm than good to your body.

We spend a good amount of our economy in elections, celebrations,festivals, fighting calamities and terrorism. Our economy is not balanced among people. Rich are rich and poor remain poor. Political proxy war is everywhere on all issues. Politics is the best platform to fight for everything so that nothing works on time . Human beings
tend to forget, all happenings whether it is scam or politics or celebrations people forget soon. It is a very pathetic condition unfortunately. Only a revolution can change this. Spinning around of everything is a must.

For a healthy India, we need a stress free life. A stress free life can be had only when we make our country self-reliant. Everything is inter related. Everyone need to work for the country because the contribution from everything and everybody matters and is countable. Swami Vivekananda said
“man should have nerves of steel."

Country is of the people, for the people and by the people.

How to live a quality stress free life.

Yoga is a way of life. Learn to listen to your body and follow what it tells. Workout five times a week with a brisk half an hour walk, practice breathing exercise and nurse yourself to reach higher lever of energy in you. Everyone if understands his body and its needs, one need not starve to be slim and happy. No matter what you achieve in life, you
need good health to enjoy. . Don’t let work related problems harass you. Learn to keep them away once you leave the work place and do not carry them home. A work life balance is necessary and you need to devote time to your family and relaxation. Goals need to be realistic. Do not burn out trying to pursue the impossible. Moderation in late nights and
alcohol consumption will go a long way in keeping the body in good health.

There are people of different opinion and thoughts about their life. It is one’s own decision to lead one’s life the way one wants. One should rather learn from each other so that all successes and failures in life can be reviewed and corrected. This world is still balanced because of good souls living here. Above all God is there with every one, why to worry.
Have pure and blind faith in God. The Saviour will come.


The present volatile market and the slowdown in west confuse people in India.
Where to invest and how risky the market would be and how long? Such are the talk of the day.

In case of emergency if you cannot draw money from any investment it is advisable not to invest. Present trend is not at all advisable for investing in any venture. Better to sit on money. At least 4 to5 times of your monthly income should be readily available in cash for any sort of emergency requirement. Even if some one has more than this, it is better to look into yellow metal i.e. GOLD for a suitable opportunity to buy and stock. This would be definitely a product which will give you return anytime or at least your invested money can easily be recovered.

The slowdown of the west will surely have impact on Indian economy if not today in coming days for sure. It is difficult to predict the market for another 2 years.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008



Anchalonninte madhye
marathaka mala pol
bhoga bhogindra thalpe
chanchal chilli vilase
thribhuvanamakhilam kathu rekshikkumadyan
panchanam pandavanam priyasakhi
thiruvaranmula thampuran en nenchil kinchil
pirinjeedaruthu athinanisam
kalame kai thozhunnen

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Keep yourself busy all the time so that your mind is not at all free for any evil thoughts.

Rising time from bed to retiring time to bed, keep yourself busy in something or other. Set your timings for the day so that you will slowly become disciplined also. Never sit idle. Idle time can be used in reading meaningful and informative books or if you are alone keep your eyes closed and relax mentally and physically in a conscious state. Avoid evil thoughts. You will be in a very blissful state of mind.

Idle mind devil’s workshop. Remember this always.

Have choice in everything. Eat food of your choice. Have friends of your choice. Wear dress of your choice. Live quality life and meaningful life according to your convenience. Life is yours. Avoid company of people who influence you in evil discussions. You can live the way you want. All that matter is a kind of self satisfaction at the end of the day. How you spent the day, what you did and what you planned to do.

You have to set priorities in your life. Your health the first priority of your life, your family, your work, your economy, your society, your entertainment, your sleep and ultimately time for prayers and meditation to realise GOD. For all these things you need to be disciplined. You have to allot time for all these things according to priorities within available 24hours. This is up to individual how they set priorities and what they achieve. Materialistic growth is very important, which is one side of the coin and other side you should have spiritual growth too. This life is a one time gift to you. You should live every bit of it happily and the way you want.


Monday, September 22, 2008



In astrology, a very special place is allotted to planet Moon.
A strong moon is capable of removing many doshas single handedly.
The word “Tara” means star and the “Bal” means strength.
If Tara is favourable then it gives strength to Moon. As a result strong moon gives strength to Sun .
& strong sun gives strength to all planets in horoscope.
The strong moon triggers the source of strength of all planets

When you count from the Janam Nakshatra

a)1st and 9th NAKSHTRA are MEDIUM

b)2nd,4th, 6th and 8th NAKSHATRAS are THE BEST

c)The 3rd, 5th and 7th nakshatras are BAD

(Vipat,Pratyatri and Vadha are bad i.e.3rd,5th and 7th} Vadha tara is more dangerous.
Most of the deaths take place in vadha tara starday, starlord dasa, bhukti or antar bhukhti.
Many face major health problems in this period.

Example given below:












Benefics - Lords of 1,5,9

Yogakaraka and lords of 4,7, 10, if natural malefic.

Malefics - Lords of 3,6,

Maraka 11and lords of 4,7,10, if natural benefic

Neutral - Lord of 2,8,12.

Ascendant Yogakaraka Planets

Aries - Sun, Mar, Jup

Taurus - Sun, Mar, Mer, Sat

Gemini - Ven

Cancer - Mon, Mar, Jup

Leo - Sun, Mar

Virgo - Ven

Libra - Mar, Mer, Ven Sat

Scorpio - Sun, Mon, Jup

Sagittarious - Sun, Mar

Capricorn Mer, Sat, Ven

Aquarious Ven, Sun Sat, Mar

Pisces Mon, Mar

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Have faith in God

A successful person is he who first focuses on the subject, analyses the pros & cons and act on it with 100% force without any fear or double thought. The result of such fearless actions would be 100% to your satisfaction. This should come in your day to day life also whether you believe anyone, trust any one, love anyone, and do anything, whatsoever; one should do it with 100% confidence and faith, otherwise you should not. You can’t have 99% faith or believe. Either 100% you must believe or not at all. Do not believe or act just for the sake of others or convenience.

There are different kinds of people you meet in your life, especially those 3 kinds of people. One group who believe only to some extent in everything and do things with double mind. They never have 100% belief on anyone or anything, not even in GOD. Their actions are also not 100% and so the result is also not 100%. They will have fear inside.They are having doubt in everything. They change their mind according to the majority of opinion.

Second group of people you can see that they do not believe at all in GOD, because they search for logical and scientifical proof in everything. They argue for the sake of argument. However you try to convince them with our traditional and cultural background they never understand. They want proof and logic in everything. May be by default they believe in some power, but over the period of time they will come to belief in GOD. In their life there is only a thin gap between belief and disbelief. The moment they cross this thin gap by some divine experience, they will become 100% believer of GOD.

Third group are those they have 100% faith in GOD, irrespective of caste and creed. Their upbringings are in such an environment and also they are educated with that kind of back ground they grow believing 100% in God. They have blind faith in God, and in our scriptures. They believe in their own religion and God. Their unwavering faith in God helps them to face any adverse situations and happenings .

GOD is beyond every logic and science. If you have 100% faith in God, He will be with you all the time. Once you come to know GOD you will be above all knowledge. God’s doings in your life can not be doubted. GOD can come in your life in any form unknown to you. If you give 100% to your every doings, God will be always there with you.

Please avoid arguments and discussions on God with those who do not have faith at all in GOD and in your religion .Try to avoid such company who criticise your faith, religion and sadhana.

Live a meaningful life and quality life as it is a gift of God. Follow the instructions of your Gurus and live as guided by shastras. Do not hurt anyone and look after yourself. GOD IS ALWAYS THERE AND IS ALWAYS WITH YOU in whichever religion you are. Have unwavering faith in GOD. Make a total self-surrender to God.

The divine science astrology is also a creation of GOD which is proved and accepted by almost all. Here also there are believers and non believers. But one thing to be remembered is that even fate written in astrology can also be changed by GOD at rare instances with our prayers and good karmas. GOD is above all these sciences. Hence give 100% to your belief and faith.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Sri Krishna Tells The Gita
Birth of the Gita

To everyone's surprise, in this war for righteousness, in the beginning Arjuna, the great and brave warrior, finds himself suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling of mental depression, grief, and fear when he realizes that he has to fight with his close relatives - brothers, uncles, and Teachers - present as his enemies. Arjuna is greatly disturbed about the outcome of the war; destruction and death that was sure to follow. He thought it 'prudent' to retire to forest rather than kill his own near and dear ones.

It is such a dramatic setting that we get the start to Bhagavad-Gita. The brave warrior Arjuna, with Lord Krishna as his charioteer, is standing between the two arrayed armies ready to start the battle, and then Arjuna lays down his arms to retire at the back of his chariot! Trembling with nervousness and anxiety, unable to lift his mighty bow -Gandiva - he pleads to escape from the consequences of the war. His emotions of love for the near ones, his concepts of duty and Dharma, all appear to be confusing to himself. He is unable to determine the correct approach in this piquant situation of grave urgency and emergency.

Therefore he turns to Sri Krishna, his friend, his teacher, and his all: "How can I kill them? Will it not be proper to give up this whole kingdom, smacking of blood of my own relatives, and retire to forest in peace? O Krishna, I am unable to decide my further plan of action. I surrender myself at your holy feet. O Lord, please guide me through this difficult uncertainty as I am your disciple and you are my Teacher."

Sri Krishna Tells The Gita

Thus, when Arjuna surrenders himself at the feet of the Lord, Sri Krishna says, "O Brave one, why this infatuation at this hour! Why have you given yourself to this unmanliness and cowardice? Do not think that by your high talk of 'renunciation and retiring to forest' people would adore you and call you noble and intelligent. On the contrary, for centuries to come, blame would be put on you for running away from the battle field. Generation after generation, people would laugh at you and make fun of your unmanly flight."

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter II, verse 2 and 3:

"In such a crisis, whence comes upon thee, O Arjuna, this dejection, un-Aryan-like, disgraceful, and contrary to the attainment of heaven?"

"Yield not to unmanliness, O son of Kunti! Ill doth it become thee. Cast off this mean faint-heartedness and arise, O scorcher of thine enemies."

On listening to this rebuke, Arjuna steadies himself, and further dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna follows in subsequent chapters. Thus the Gita consists of eighteen - 18 - chapters and a total of 700 verses contained in them. (In fact, Gita consists of a dialogue between our lower self and the Higher Self.)

Arjuna puts many question about the goal in life, aim of human birth, about the nature of Duty and Work, about the Self - Atman - and about the four Yogas viz. Jnana-Yoga, Raja-Yoga, Karma-Yoga, and Bhakti-Yoga.

Chapters II through IX deal with Karma-Yoga - Yoga of selfless action - vis-a-vis Jnana-Yoga. Sri Krishna exhorts Arjuna to fight the war without thinking of the consequences. "Your duty is, and you have right only, to fight; you do not have control over the outcome", says the Lord. The duty of a person as a Karma Yogi is to do the allotted work as worship without expecting any definite fruits thereof. Selfless work done with full heart and perfection is the best way for the worldly person to realize his inner Self. In fact efficiency in work itself is a Yoga!

Those persons should embrace the life of renunciation (monasticism) in whom impressions of the past lives have created such attraction. But other persons who have no such tendency, persons in whom the past impressions of sense enjoyment persist, such aspirants - sadhakas - are not yet fit to take to life of sanyasins. Such persons actually, after some progress on the path of total renunciation -sanyasa, may get entangled in a tamasic inactivity - lazy life of hypocrisy. Such people do more harm than good to the cause of spirituality, religion, and social progress.

For such people, which are in majority at a given point of time, Sri Krishna advocates Nishkam Karma Yoga - Yoga of selfless action - as the ideal path to realize the Truth. Allotted work done without motives, the work done without expecting or thinking about its result, purifies the mind that makes the person gradually fit to see the value of reason and benefit of renouncing the work itself!. Unless all mental desires and tendencies to enjoy sense pleasures are controlled and rooted out, a person does not become fit for final stage of Liberation. Yoga makes the person fit through action, devotion, contemplation, meditation , and discrimination to sharpen his reason, develop intuitive power of acquiring knowledge, and to transcend the mind itself!

Theory of Incarnation

In chapter IV, verse 7 and 8, Sri Krishna says:

"Arjuna, whenever there is decline of righteousness, and unrighteousness is in the ascendant, then I body Myself forth,"
"For the protection of the virtuous, for the destruction of evil-doers, and for establishing Dharma (righteousness) on a firm footing, I am born from age to age."

This concept of Divine Incarnation - Avatar - is at the very root of religiosity prevalent all over India. This hope that the Lord will come to the help and rescue of His devotees, and corrupt and greedy would be punished; that the Truth alone would prevail in the end and not the untruth, has had kept the flame of spirituality burning through the dark ages of foreign aggression and servitude. One should understand that Dharma here means attempting to seek our own higher self. From animal tendencies to Divine plane through human growth, this is the journey. Materialism, excessive involvement in sense enjoyment, and identification of ourselves as body-mind complex means 'unrighteousness is in the ascendant'. This excess involvement in senses means evil, greed, and corruption. Sri Krishna shows us the path: How to rise above these senses and transcend them to realize our higher state of consciousness - Atman.

Gradually the discussion centres around the real nature of man and paths to seek the same. Says Sri Krishna, "O Arjuna, you are not this body, you are not this mind; you are ever pure, unchanging eternal Self, Atman. This Atman is covered with delusion/illusion of ignorance and comes to identify itself as body-mind complex. Therefore, when you say 'you will kill them, or get killed by them, you are actually telling a lie. The Atman is never killed, nor does it kill anybody."

This body is like worn out clothes which the Atman changes as we change our old garments!

ThenSri Krishna goes on elaborating the ways to realize self as Self by undertaking various spiritual disciplines. By proper control of senses, by way of renunciation and discrimination, and by constant practice it is possible to steady and control the mind and realize the higher Reality. The same end can be reached by Yoga of action and Yoga of devotion.

In chapter XI there is a wonderful description of Lord Krishna revealing Himself to Arjuna as "Virat" - all pervading Reality. This Universal or Cosmic Form of Sri Krishna relates to three aspects of 1) shristi - creation, 2) sthiti - maintenance, and 3) vinash - destruction of all the worlds. The terrifying aspect of this Self makes Arjuna shudder with fear, and hence the Lord also reveals His most beautiful form that is full of bliss, beatitude, and serenity.

Chapter XII lays stress on the path of devotion - Bhakti Yoga - and emphasizes qualifications and virtues of a Bhakta.

Thus the Gita is a summary of all knowledge contained in the Vedas and Upanishads. The Gita is translated in many languages including the English. Many learned scholars and spiritually illumined souls have written commentaries on this Universal Gospel of Perennial Philosophy. Depending upon the priority and emphasis, some advocate Jnana-Yoga as the essence of Gita, while majority of the people thinks that the Gita expounds doctrine of Karma Yoga at its best.

In recent times Swami Vivekananda has commented that the Gita exhorts everyone of us to arise, awake, and fight our unmanliness so that we emerge as active and strong Karma Yogis. We become true spiritual seekers to realize our true nature as Atman and thereby do immense good to the world.

In the last chapter XVIII, Sri Krishna asks Arjuna, "Are your doubts cleared? O Arjuna are you freed from the delusory ideas regarding your true nature?"

And the grateful Arjuna, full of bliss with recent realization of the true knowledge declares:

"Yes, my lord. My ignorance has vanished. Destroyed is my delusion, and I have gained my memory through Thy Grace. O steadfast, I am firm; my doubts are gone. Thy will be done."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Those who are effected by sadesatti , Kandaka Shani and Ashtama Shani are advised to visit Shani Temple or Ayyappa Temple or Navagraha temple or Hanuman temple on Saturdays and pray for Shani shaanti and perform neelanjanam (lit thil oil infront of God).

Chant daily Hanuman chaalisa, Mrityunjaya Mantra and shani Mantra. Do archana to God on your birth star days.

Shani Mantra: 108 times on Saturdays (if possible on all days)



One can also try to get and wear ring made of black horse shoe, in the middle
Finger. Keep Fasting on Saturday ( abstain from non veg, liquor and sex.)

Wearing Blue Sapphire stone should be only after consulting an astrologer .

Saturday, September 6, 2008



An ounce of practice is better than tons of theory. Practice Yoga, Religion and philosophy in daily life and attain self realisation:To cultivate these cultures, in the beginning, take only a few practicable resolves which form a small but definite advance over your present habits and character. Modify them to suit your convenience and increase the period gradually.

1.Eat moderately. Take light and simple food. Avoid too much of oil and chillies. Give up entirely smoking, meat, wine and if possible reduce intake of tea and coffee. Reduce sugar, salt, maida and white rice.

2.Practice yoga asanas or physcial exercise for fifteen or thirty minutes every day. Take a long walk or play some vigorous games daily.

3.Observe silence(mouna) for one or two hours daily and increae on sundays.

4.Oserce celebacy according to age and circumstances.

5.Be sincere, straightforward and open-hearted in your talks and dealings.

6.Do not accept any money, things or favour unless earned lawfully.

7.Remember God at all times, if not atleast on rising from bed, during a pause in work and before going to bed.

8.Read atleast one chapter or 10 slokas of the Gita with meaning.

9.Visit a temple or place of worship at least once a week.

10.Go to bed early. Get up early before sunrise. Sit for some time for mediation without movement by gradual practice and do your daily worship or prayers

11. Give 2 to 5% of your income in charity and help the poor and the needy only.

12. Have an unwavering faith in God and in Bhagawat Gita.

13.Speak the truth, speak little and speak sweetly

14. Spend some of your leisure time in seclusion at a holy place.

15. Do not hurt anyone in thought, by words, and deeds.

Review your habits frequently and correct your failures.

In chapter 2 -verses 47 of Bhagawat Gits says:

Your right is to work only, but never to the fruit thereof.
Let not the fruit of action be your object
Nor let your attachment be to inaction


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hanuman Chalisa - the mantra that wards off all evils

Hanuman Chalisa if chanted daily all the evil influences on you will be removed by its power. This is a very powerful mantra which is normally advised by astrologers for those who are having shani dosha of any kind. Hence it is advised to all to include in your daily routine Japa.

Shree Guru Charan Saroj Raj, Nij Man Mukar Sudhari,
Barnau Raghuvar Bimal Jasu, Jo dayaku Phal Chari

With the dust of Guru's Lotus feet, I clean the mirror of my mind and then
narrate the sacred glory of Sri Ram Chandra, The Supreme among the Raghu
dynasty. The giver of the four attainments of life.

Budhi heen Tanu Janike, Sumirow, Pavan Kumar,
Bal Buddhi Vidya Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesh Bikaar

Knowing myself to be ignorant, I urge you, O Hanuman, The son of Pavan! O
Lord! kindly Bestow on me strength, wisdom and knowledge, removing all my
miseries and blemishes.

Jai Hanuman Gyan Guna Sagar
Jai Kipis Tihun Lok Ujgaar

Victory of Thee, O Hanuman, Ocean of wisdom and virtue, victory to the Lord of
monkeys who is well known in all the three worlds

Ramdoot Atulit Bal Dhamaa,
Anjani Putra Pavansut naamaa.

You, the Divine messenger of Ram and repository of immeasurable strength, are also
known as Anjaniputra and known as the son of the wind - Pavanputra.

Mahebeer Bikram Bajrangi,
Kumati Nivaar Sumati Ke Sangi.

Oh Hanumanji! You are valiant and brave, with a body like lightening. You are the
dispeller of darkness of evil thoughts and companion of good sense and wisdom.

Kanchan Baran Biraaj Subesaa,
Kanan kundal kunchit kesa.

Shri Hanumanji's physique is golden colored. His dress is pretty, wearing
'Kundals' ear-rings and his hairs are long and curly.

Hath Bajra Aur Dhvaja Birjai,
Kandhe Moonj Janeu saage.

Shri Hanumanji is holding in one hand a lighting bolt and in the other a banner
with sacred thread across his shoulder.

Shankar Suvna Kesari Nandan,
Tej Pratap Maha Jag Vandan.

Oh Hanumanji! You are the emanation of 'SHIVA' and you delight Shri Keshri.
Being ever effulgent, you and hold vast sway over the universe. The entire
world propitiate. You are adorable of all.

Vidyavaan Guni Ati Chatur,
Ram Kaj Karibe Ko Atur

Oh! Shri Hanumanji! You are the repository learning, virtuous, very wise and
highly keen to do the work of Shri Ram,

Prabhu Charittra Sunibe Ko Rasiya,
Ram Lakhan Sita man basyia.

You are intensely greedy for listening to the naration of Lord Ram's life story and
revel on its enjoyment. You ever dwell in the hearts of Shri Ram-Sita and Shri

Sukshma roop Dhari Siyahi Dikhwana,
Bikat roop Dhari Lank Jarawa

You appeared beofre Sita in a diminutive form and spoke to her, while you
assumed an awesome form and struck terror by setting Lanka on fire.

Bhim roop Dhari Asur Sanhare,
Ramchandra Ke kaaj Savare.

He, with his terrible form, killed demons in Lanka and performed all acts of Shri

Laye Sajivan Lakhan Jiyaye,
Shri Raghubir harashi ur laye.
When Hanumanji made Lakshman alive after bringing 'Sanjivni herb' Shri Ram
took him in his deep embrace, his heart full of joy.

Raghupati Kinhi Bahut Badaai,
Tum Mama Priya Bharat Sam Bahi.

Shri Ram lustily extolled Hanumanji's excellence and remarked, "you are as dear
to me as my own brother Bharat"

Sahastra Badan Tumharo Jas Gaave,
Asa kahi Shripati Kanth Laagave.

Shri Ram embraced Hanumanji saying:
"Let the thousand - tongued Sheshnaag sing your glories"

Sankadik Brahmadi Muneesa,
Narad Sarad Sahit Aheesa

Sanak and the sages, saints. Lord Brahma, the great hermits Narad and
Goddess Saraswati along with Sheshnag the cosmic serpent, fail to sing the
glories of Hanumanji exactly

Jam Kuber Digpal Jahan Te,
Kabi Kabid Kahin Sake Kahan Te

What to talk of denizens of the earth like poets and scholars ones etc even Gods
like Yamraj, Kuber, and Digpal fail to narrate Hanman's greatness in toto.

Tum Upkar Sugrivahi Keenha,
Ram Miali Rajpad Deenha

Hanumanji! You rendered a great service for Sugriva, It were you who united
him with SHRI RAM and installed him on the Royal Throne.

Tumharo Mantro Bibhishan Maana,
Lankeshwar Bhaye Sab Jag Jaana.

By heeding your advice. Vibhushan became Lord of Lanka, which is known all
over the universe.

Juug Sahastra Jojan Par Bhaanu,
Leelyo Taahi Madhur Phal Jaanu

Hanumanji gulped, the SUN at distance of sixteen thousand miles considering
it to be a sweet fruit.

Prabhu Mudrika Meli Mukha Maaheen,
Jaladhi Langhi Gaye Acharaj Naheen.

Carrying the Lord's ring in his mouth, he went across the ocean. There is no
wonder in that.

Durgam Kaaj Jagat Ke Jeete,
Sugam Anugrah Tumhre Te Te.

Oh Hanumanji! all the difficult tasks in the world are rendered easiest by your

Ram Duware Tum Rakhavare,
Hot Na Aagya Bin Paisare.
Oh Hanumanji! You are the sentinel at the door of Ram's mercy mansion or His
divine abode. No one may enter without your permission.

Sab Sukh Lahen Tumhari Sarna,
Tum Rakshak Kaahu Ko Darnaa.
By your grace one can enjoy all happiness and one need not have any fear under
your protection.

Aapan Tej Samharo Aapei,
Tanau Lok Hank Te Kanpei
When you roar all the three worlds tremble and only you can control your might.

Bhoot Pisaach Nikat Nahi Avei,
Mahabir Jab Naam Sunavei.
Great Brave on. Hanumanji's name keeps all the Ghosts, Demons & evils spirits
away from his devotees.

Nasei Rog Hare Sab Peera,
Japat Niranter Hanumant Beera
On reciting Hanumanji's holy name regularly all the maladies perish the entire
pain disappears.

Sankat Te Hanuman Chhudavei,
Man Kram Bachan Dhyan Jo Lavei.
Those who remember Hanumanji in thought, word and deed are well guarded
against their odds in life.

Sub Par Ram Tapasvee Raaja,
Tinke Kaaj Sakal Tum Saaja
Oh Hanumanji! You are the caretaker of even Lord Rama, who has been hailed as
the Supreme Lord and the Monarch of all those devoted in penances.

Aur Manorath Jo Koi Lave,
Soi Amit Jivan Phal Pave.
Oh Hanumanji! You fulfill the desires of those who come to you and bestow
the eternal nectar the highest fruit of life.

Charo Juung Partap Tumhara,
Hai Parsiddha Jagat Ujiyara.
Oh Hanumanji! You magnificent glory is acclaimed far and wide all through the
four ages and your fame is radianlty noted all over the cosmos.

Sadho Sant Ke Tum Rakhvare,
Asur Nikandan Ram Dulare.
Oh Hanumanji! You are the Saviour and the guardian angel of saints and sages
and destroy all the Demons, you are the seraphic darling of Shri Ram.

Ashta Siddhi Nau Nidhi Ke Data,
Asa Bar Din Janki Mata.
Hanumanji has been blessed with mother Janki to grant to any one any Yogic
power of eight Sidhis and Nava Nidhis as per choice.

Ram Rasayan Tumhare Pasa,
Sadaa Raho Raghupati Ke Dasa.
Oh Hanumanji! You hold the essence of devotion to RAM, always remaining His

Tumhare Bhajan Ramko Pavei.
Janam Janam Ke Dukh Bisravei.
Oh Hanumanji! through devotion to you, one comes to RAM and becames free
from suffering of several lives.

Anta Kaal Raghubar Pur Jai,
Jahan Janma Hari Bhakta Kahai.
After death he enters the eternal abode of Sri Ram and remains a devotee of
him, whenever, taking new birth on earth.

Aur Devata Chitt Na Dharai,
Hanumant Sei Sarva Sukh Karai
You need not hold any other demigod in mind. Hanumanji alone will give all

Sankat Kate Mitey Sab Peera,
Jo Sumirei Hanumant Balbeera
Oh Powerful Hanumanji! You end the sufferings and remove all the pain from
those who remember you.

Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosai
Kripa Karahu Gurudev Ki Naiee
Hail-Hail-Hail-Lord Hanumanji! I beseech you Honour to bless me in the
capacity of my supreme 'GURU' (teacher).

Jo Sat Baar Paath Kar Koi,
Chhutahi Bandi Maha Sukh Hoi.
One who recites this Hanuman Chalisa one hundred times daily for one hundred
days becames free from the bondage of life and death and ejoys the highest
bliss at last.

Jo Yah Padhe Hanuman Chalisa,
Hoy Siddhi Sakhi Gaurisa
As Lord Shankar witnesses, all those who recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly are
sure to be benedicted

Tulsidas Sada Hari Chera,
Keeje Nath Hriday Mah Dera.
Tulsidas always the servant of Lord prays. "Oh my Lord! You enshrine within my

Pavan Tanay Sankat Haran, Mangal Murti Roop.
Ram Lakhan Sita Sahit, Hriday Basahu Sur Bhoop.
O Shri Hanuman, The Son of Pavan, Saviour The Embodiment of
blessings, reside in my heart together with Shri Ram, Laxman and Sita

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Human mind, problems, desires & attachments and the purpose of our birth.

Our present birth happens as per our previous Karma and this life is the result of our previous birth.

We are attached to our desires and also entangled with numerous problems. The Mind is the origin and storing place of our problems. Most of the times, our problems are really not there but our mind creates them for us to worry, because our mind is a huge computer. It can create, store & remind our problems to make our life miserable. It never stays free,It keeps on adding and deleting matters in our life. We need to have a check on our mind, where it goes, how it behaves. Like a child we have to look after and nourish it.

Life is like a Bubble and we never know when it will burst. The available time for us also is not known. So live in the present. Make it worth living every moment. Use our intellect and plan the priorities of our life with the available present time we have.

A man's real life starts only when his search starts for finding himself. His potential is much more than what he knows and his achievements.

We are not using even ONE percentage of our abilities. 99% of our remaining abilities go waste and we die without utilizing these abilities.

We should look beyond our materialistic achievements and find the self within us so that we can be proud of that spiritual achievement before we die.

It is the search for the divine truth that ultimately brings the real fulfillment. Many of us feel heavenly experiences lies in reaching the top of a career. Life is a momentary delight. The adventure is not in the destination but in the journey. It is not the winning or the losing, but how we strive for the search of finding the real truth, with a logical mind or an analytical mind or scientifically we can never find God, because he is much above all our knowledge. A determined and blind faith on God is must. He can appear before us in any form we wish. Our soul needs to join with the Supreme and that is the ultimate. The purpose of this human life itself is for this blissful journey.

Materialistic growth is one side of the coin of our life. There is something much more important on the other side of the coin of our life. What we gain in materialistic world of course is important but whether we have become healthy, poor, rich or intellectual or famous but none of these things stays for long. It will burst with the bubble of our life. Your Soul will continue its journey till it attains its destination i.e. The Supreme Soul.

No matter how rich we are, or how poor we are, how famous we are and how intelligent we are, our soul will get away from all these things.

Because we are human beings having brain unlike animals we can start conditioning our soul towards our final goal. Make our life twist from now on at least (because we do not know when our bubble of life will burst. Use all our potentials all our infrastructure and power of our body and mind and intellect to condition our Soul fit for its further journey so that its path is not diverted hereafter.

In this Kaliyug, it is very difficult to preach or practice but try and try you will find ways and means to get into that environment so that we get our way to our goal. But as per Vedic scriptures, it is said, that in Kaliyug, the best way to achieve our goal (which is primarily to join with the Supreme), is to chant the name of Lord HARI.
">Hare Krishna hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna hare hare, Hare Rama hare Rama Rama Rama hare hare"

You can chant it 108 times at a time, any time of the day!

Do write to me.

God Bless You!


The whole Universe begins from this sound OMKARA.
The creator of the Universe, Divine Mother “Shakti”, from her own Power of Resolution
Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh were created, to take care of Creation, Sustenance and the Desolution of this word at the behest of “OM- Shakti”. Brahma who has created the whole universe knows the past, present and future..

Lord Brahma has given the power to Chitragupta to maintain all records of karma of all human beings. As you know all creation is an incident and is with a purpose. All avatars of Lord and all birth of Godly souls in this world are borne for some purpose. There is a cause for all the effect. Nothing is created or borne without any reason or purpose. GOD is everywhere in all forms. God is within us also. God lives in the temple made of our body, mind, heart, means the Human body itself is a temple. In order to keep the Almighty in a very sacred place, like we keep Idols in a man made temples, keep our body and mind clean and purified by all means, and maintain the sanctity of our temple (Body and Mind) so that we realise God’s presence within us always. First of all Body needs to be made healthy. We need to go back and learn from our ancient scriptures as to how we can make our body healthy and clean by regularising our life style – eating vegetarian food, thinking, listening and doing good, and with disciplined life style through yoga and meditation., one can keep the body and mind fit and sacred.
we should constantly be conscious of our Self within.

MIND by chanting mantras, regular meditation etc.

Body - by physical cleaniness, exercise and disciplined life style.

One has to feel his body and mind equal to temple and once he know his body is a temple, he can easily find God within i.e. Self. We need to wear clean dress. We need to have a good healthy physique so that it lives for long. We need to have our mind clean and disciplined so that it always gives a consciousness that God is within you. Once we condition our body and mind, the God within us will take care of our rest journey. Our karmas start changing and a blissful experience comes within and once you are in that consciousness which is blissful, you are near to God. For an astrologer it will be easy to practice to the maximum accuracy if he lives a very sanctified life style. His Vaksidhi also gets improved.Basic qualification of an astrologer is that he maintains a very disciplined life style.Basic qualification of a believer of Astrology or ho wants to follow astrological direction, also needs to maintain a very disciplined life style.


For an astrologer it will be easy to practice to the maximum accuracy if he lives in a very sanctified life style. His Vaksidhi also gets improved. Basic qualification of an astrologer is that he maintains a very disciplined life style. Basic qualification of a believer of Astrology or who wants to follow astrology, also needs to maintain a very disciplined life style.
Astrology is based on Planets. Astronomy is a science based on planets. Both astrology and astronomy is interlinked. Astronomy & Astrology are not an invention but a discovery because both already exist. Astronomy is already believed and accepted by all of us. Then Astrology has to be believed as it is a part of the astronomy. This subject is very vast it will take birth after birth to know little of astrology. It is a never ending subject and our human life span is so short by the time one starts knowing something his life comes to an end.