Friday, October 16, 2009


Presence of Mind: Start practising to bring your mind present in all objects and actions that you look and do. Constantly do observe each of your thought and action. Each simple action you do in every second can be remembered if you practise to keep your mind present there with the action. This practice not only makes your action perfect but also helps you to remember what you did, when u did and where u did. This constant practice makes your mind concentrate on each object and action and thereby your thought remains always one at a time.. Then you are constantly concentrating. Means you can control your mind whenever you want to meditate on any one thought of action and that thought will be the strongest and the most perfect result giving one for you. Slowly you can become thoughtless and in a blissful state of tranquility. Though it is very easy to express but very difficult to practise. Not an impossible one also.

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